Sunday, October 17, 2010

For the Love of Art

Celebrate, Engage, Invest

What do those words mean to you?
Are they appealing? provocative? demanding?

I think they are all of the above. The London Arts Council is in the process of branding itself. Their new logo looks like this!
The launch of their brand coincided with the start of Culture Days. Their logo sports a purple heart for valor, and an obvious symbol for love. Love art. The three word attempt to explain how you too can love art, or express your love of art. This simple design is recognizable and connotes different meanings:

Party, Dance, Joy, Fun
This positive word reminds people how the arts can allow you to have fun and experience new things.

Participate, captivate, to draw attention.
This word builds a sense of community and encourages people to join in, and be a part of something bigger. This is very important for the arts because they are a form of self expression and self realization. The arts has the amazing ability to bring people together and to help them find their individuality.

To Give
This word could refer to time, money, emotional energy, supplies, encouragement, etc.
There are many ways to invest. This word is bold and unafraid. It does not shy away from the fact that the arts needs money. It explicitly asks for financial help. INVEST YOUR MONEY. Only after people think further than their first reaction do they realize they can invest in all kinds of ways.

The logo could mean big things for the London Arts Council. Right now, not a lot of people know about its function or what it does. A logo has the power to associate a picture with a company. If all goes well, the new logo will become recognizable within the City of London.

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